We know - it’s not easy visiting a new church for the first time. Sometimes you feel like a non-member visiting a country club. You might wonder:
We want to make visiting Springs Presbyterian Church an enjoyable
experience, easy, stress-free and relaxing. We want Springs to be
“user-friendly” for people, whatever their background, including those
who have never been to church before, or been in church their whole
When you arrive you will find ample parking in front of the church. If
you are in need of handicapped parking that is also available. You will
enter through our main lobby. The sanctuary will be to your left with
classrooms to your right.
For those desiring it, Sunday School for ages 3 to adult begins each week at 9:30 am, with a nursery provided for children under 3.
Worship begins at 10:30 am.
Nursery is provided for children ages 0-4.
Worship will include a blend of traditional and contemporary music, followed by a relevant Bible based message. An offering is not taken during our service. The service typically ends with a closing song and a prayer.
The last Sunday of each month there is a covered dish dinner immediately following the service. If you happen to be a guest, we would love for you to stay and let us get to know you a little better over lunch!